Vincent (“The Boss”) Conticello leads the wolf pack (a.k.a. the Conticello Lab) here at Emory. He is also the Director of Undergraduate Research in the Department of Chemistry. Legend has it that Vince was abandoned by the wolves and raised by his parents, which accounts for his unusual perspective! He later wandered into science, where oddball ideas are tolerated. Vince received his B.S. degree from the University of Delaware (1985) and his PhD from Northwestern University (1990), where he was a SOHIO Predoctoral Fellow. He completed his postdoctoral work at Caltech with Robert Grubbs and the University of Massachusetts as an NSF Predoctoral Fellow with David Tirrell. Vince’s work at Emory has been recognized with the NSF CAREER Award and Herman Frasch Foundation Fellowship, among others.
Email: vcontic@emory.edu